JordanMiddle East

Day 6 – Arriving at Petra reveals a surprise or two

By November 29, 2019 No Comments

The building containing Mousa’s Spring

[Mom – September 13, 2019 – After leaving Wadi Rum we drove to Mousa’s Spring. On the way we stopped to take pictures of a working Jordanian train, road signs and camels running across the road and along side the highway. Once we got to Mousa Springs, we stopped to see the rock that tradition says Moses struck in the desert. Tonight we are going to Petra by night. Since it is a 3 mile walk in and out, Bill has chosen to stay at the hotel to conserve his energy so he can enjoy it all tomorrow. Please continue praying that he will feel up to seeing the sites that he has looked forward to seeing most of his life.

This is the rock Moses hit with his staff

Petra at night was AMAZING! Riding a donkey out added to the magical night. Thanks to our son for making it all happen!]

Today was a little bit of a slower paced day as we hung around the Bedouin camp until 10am or so, returned to the car we left in the Wadi Rum Village, and then drove towards Wadi Musa where Petra is. Right at the outskirts of town I wanted to check out Mousa’s Spring, which as my Mom said was the rock Moses hit with his staff, cracked in half, and water flowed from. I have to admit the rock is much smaller than I imaged, because in my mind it was going to be 10 feet high, round, and split in two equal parts.

After that I told everyone to rest for a bit before we have dinner and head to Petra By Night, which is a program they put on every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday night for about $25. What they do is line the narrow canyon (called the Sig) with candles in a paper bag and then have hundreds of candles around the ground in front of the Treasury building which they also light up with spot lights. For 30 minutes to an hour they give you tea and play traditional songs and tell stories. I have done it twice and it is a very magical event.

The best part this time is that my mom was having trouble walking up the slight incline to get out of Petra and I was able to talk her into riding a donkey out and her friend was a good sport and agreed to do it also. To get them on the animals we moved one to the wall and I helped my mom up the wall and onto the donkey. The other Bedouin simple grabbed Janice and lifted her onto the donkey. Haha. What a great night to spend with my mother.

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