Life AshoreWorking on the boat

Washington state and more work

By November 22, 2009 No Comments

I spent the last week in Washington State with my brother and his family.  It was great spending a week with my nieces and nephews, Aaron and his wife, Emily. 

 Joel’s brother, Damon, came down for the weekend two weeks ago.  We took the boat across the bay for the night.  We left the dock way later than we should have but we keep going until the only light we had was the deck light.  At that point I moved the boat out the channel we were in and we anchored in eight feet of water about a mile from shore. The wind was off the shore and it turned out to be a perfect night anchored out.  I could cook a clam sauce over spaghetti and then we watched a movie on the new TV.

A couple of weeks ago I had a guy cut out a hatch and install a larger one I found at a resale shop.   I have now turned the forward port crew head into a garage for my bicycle.  I also picked up my new Rocna anchor so I can upgrade my ground tackle.

 My dad has not done great with his second surgery and has been in the hospital two additional times.  He still needs your prays.

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