British Virgin IslandsCaribbeanPhotos

Last sight of the Virgin Islands as I head south

By June 30, 2019 One Comment
BVI - Last Sight POTD

Last week I wrote about my plans to spend the rest of this season and next season in the Leeward and Windward Islands. The day I was dropping off my last charter in the Virgin Islands was the perfect weather day to head across the Anegada Passage to St Martin, but just my luck I had to get the boat cleaned, install the batteries I wrote about, and say goodbye to everyone. This took two days and the weather window closed on me. I have to say I was bummed, but hanging around for another week and half and going out with everyone as we took the entire time to say goodbye was pretty awesome!!!!!

Finally a small window opened up with a forecast of 10-15 knots from the east and off I headed. My plan was to go up to the North Sound and then over to St Martin, but once I started looking at the conditions it made just as much sense to go between the Baths and Fallen Jerusalem (if you go this way just make sure to account for The Blinders) and head across from there.

The passage was only ok since it was still a bit bumpy, but not too bad. The good part was I got a rainbow sending me off as I left the Virgin Islands in my wake. What a great photo of the day!!!!!!

One Comment

  • HelenaJameson says:

    YOU CAN WIN BACK EX LOVER, VIA_________________DR_M A C K @YA H O O… CO M ,,

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