Life Ashore

Back in Colorado, where you don’t roast walking outside

By August 14, 2011 No Comments

As you may have noticed I missed last week’s blog, so I will be doing a quick two week update. The first part of last week was spent sending off the nieces & nephew, celebrating my mom’s birthday (she enjoyed three days of celebrating), and getting my teeth cleaned (I have to have two old cavities replaced in a couple weeks).

As those of you on Facebook know a week ago Wednesday I flew back to Colorado (if we are not friends on FB then feel free to look me up at shane at svGuidingLight dot com). This was partly due to Texas have temperatures over 100 degrees every day (107 several days) and I felt rushed seeing everyone when I was up here last time.

I spent a lot of my time taking an on line course to study for my up coming USGS captain license. In the evenings I did get to hang out with Kris & Bella (Kris & I went through fire academy together and Bella is like another niece), Jamie (met her at Relay for Life), my brother Vance, Luke (long time friend), Jasmeet & his wife (friend I met playing soccer a long time ago), Rick (friend and formal boss), and Mark (he helped me bring the boat to Houston).

One of the more interesting thing this week was Kris introduced me to an electric juicer (see photo) and while I will not get one on the boat, I did like it a lot and even checked some best juicer reviews.

PS – those of you supporting me through my travel videos, I will be adding them once I get done with my captain license and have time to make the next couple (St Augustine and Cumberland Island before heading to the Outer Banks). In the mean time thank you for your support and patience!

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