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10 differences between tourists and travellers

By March 17, 2018 No Comments
Me and a donkey
  1. tourist doesn’t mind being called a tourist. A traveller does, very much.
  2. tourist wants to see all the sights. A traveller wants to see some, but also to find something interesting that isn’t in the guidebook.
  3. tourist tries foreign food but acts like they’re putting a grenade in their mouth. A travellereats the local food with abandon and spends the next 3 days on the toilet.
  4. tourist takes photos of all the famous stuff. A traveller takes pictures of ordinary people and things and is rewarded by the locals with gratitude or puzzlement.
  5. tourist will go to McDonalds in a foreign country, with no shame. A traveller will go there too but not tell anyone.
  6. Tourists tend to travel in large groups or families. Travellers tend to travel solo, or with one other person, thus NOT BLOCKING THE PAVEMENT THANK YOU.
  7. tourist will learn a few words of the local language. A traveller will too, but act like they know more.
  8. tourist gets ripped off. A traveller haggles.
  9. Tourists (the British ones at least) get drunk. Travellers also get drunk but ensure their drinking money is going directly to the local community.
  10. Tourists go on holiday. Travellers go travelling.

I found this great list on TheCareerBreakSite.com website and the original link is http://www.thecareerbreaksite.com/blog/10-differences-between-tourists-and-travellers

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